Short duration high intensity workouts are most effective for fat loss.
We have been lied to for so long it is hard to believe the truth. But you have seen many people in the gym year in and year out with little or no change to their bodies. The reason is the long steady workouts do not challenge the body to change and do not make positive changes in metabolism. Building muscle and more intense shorter workouts rev up your metabolism for hours afterward. We have all seen charts that show how many calories per hour a particular exercise will burn. I don't have that many hours in a day! A new approach is needed. Adding muscle helps burn fat because it takes more calories to maintain muscle. Intense exercise ALSO helps tune up the metabolism. The combination produces results in weeks, not months or years.
Don't worry about becoming muscle bound.
Some people, women in particular worry that workouts and using resistance training will produce too much muscle too fast. Building muscle does take a little work, but most people will never have to be concerned about building too much muscle. Hormones and generics play a role in how your body composition will change with proper nutrition and exercise. Most body builders are genetically pre-disposed to grow big. They also work heavy weights for hours on end and consume massive amounts of protein. Additionally, and sadly, many also take dangerous drugs to get the results we see on stage. Building "too much" muscle should not be a concern for the average person trying to get in shape and lose body fat.
Smaller more frequent meals produce better results.
Smaller, balanced meals help your muscles grow by constantly feeding them. Balanced nutrition is key. This way of eating is also better for your metabolism in general. Constant feeding of your muscles makes sense. What many people don't realize is that starving yourself really messes up your metabolism in the long run. Low fat, low card... whatever kinds of diets we have tried have one thing in common, if they work, it is only a short-term solution and the weight returns. Tuning and building muscle, along with revving up your metabolism through smart eating are fast yet long term solutions as well. If you want to be lean, healthy and sexy and end the cycle of weight loss and gain you need a new plan. What we have been told for years now does not work. People are getting bigger and bigger every year. There IS a solution. This is just the beginning, but remember...
We have been lied to for so long it is hard to believe the truth. But you have seen many people in the gym year in and year out with little or no change to their bodies. The reason is the long steady workouts do not challenge the body to change and do not make positive changes in metabolism. Building muscle and more intense shorter workouts rev up your metabolism for hours afterward. We have all seen charts that show how many calories per hour a particular exercise will burn. I don't have that many hours in a day! A new approach is needed. Adding muscle helps burn fat because it takes more calories to maintain muscle. Intense exercise ALSO helps tune up the metabolism. The combination produces results in weeks, not months or years.
Don't worry about becoming muscle bound.
Some people, women in particular worry that workouts and using resistance training will produce too much muscle too fast. Building muscle does take a little work, but most people will never have to be concerned about building too much muscle. Hormones and generics play a role in how your body composition will change with proper nutrition and exercise. Most body builders are genetically pre-disposed to grow big. They also work heavy weights for hours on end and consume massive amounts of protein. Additionally, and sadly, many also take dangerous drugs to get the results we see on stage. Building "too much" muscle should not be a concern for the average person trying to get in shape and lose body fat.
Smaller more frequent meals produce better results.
Smaller, balanced meals help your muscles grow by constantly feeding them. Balanced nutrition is key. This way of eating is also better for your metabolism in general. Constant feeding of your muscles makes sense. What many people don't realize is that starving yourself really messes up your metabolism in the long run. Low fat, low card... whatever kinds of diets we have tried have one thing in common, if they work, it is only a short-term solution and the weight returns. Tuning and building muscle, along with revving up your metabolism through smart eating are fast yet long term solutions as well. If you want to be lean, healthy and sexy and end the cycle of weight loss and gain you need a new plan. What we have been told for years now does not work. People are getting bigger and bigger every year. There IS a solution. This is just the beginning, but remember...
- Short duration high intensity workouts are more effective for fat loss.
- Don't worry about becoming muscle bound.
- Smaller more frequent meals produce better results.
I am 53 years young and have tried many fitness and weight loss
programs over the years, done extensive research... and have achieved
dramatic results reducing body fat and getting fit. Learn more at the
link below.
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