Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions?

3 Top Tips to Help You Avoid Dieting and Fitness Disasters

Short duration high intensity workouts are most effective for fat loss. 

 We have been lied to for so long it is hard to believe the truth. But you have seen many people in the gym year in and year out with little or no change to their bodies. The reason is the long steady workouts do not challenge the body to change and do not make positive changes in metabolism. Building muscle and more intense shorter workouts rev up your metabolism for hours afterward. We have all seen charts that show how many calories per hour a particular exercise will burn. I don't have that many hours in a day! A new approach is needed. Adding muscle helps burn fat because it takes more calories to maintain muscle. Intense exercise ALSO helps tune up the metabolism. The combination produces results in weeks, not months or years.

Don't worry about becoming muscle bound.

  Some people, women in particular worry that workouts and using resistance training will produce too much muscle too fast. Building muscle does take a little work, but most people will never have to be concerned about building too much muscle. Hormones and generics play a role in how your body composition will change with proper nutrition and exercise. Most body builders are genetically pre-disposed to grow big. They also work heavy weights for hours on end and consume massive amounts of protein. Additionally, and sadly, many also take dangerous drugs to get the results we see on stage. Building "too much" muscle should not be a concern for the average person trying to get in shape and lose body fat.

Smaller more frequent meals produce better results.

Smaller, balanced meals help your muscles grow by constantly feeding them. Balanced nutrition is key. This way of eating is also better for your metabolism in general. Constant feeding of your muscles makes sense. What many people don't realize is that starving yourself really messes up your metabolism in the long run. Low fat, low card... whatever kinds of diets we have tried have one thing in common, if they work, it is only a short-term solution and the weight returns. Tuning and building muscle, along with revving up your metabolism through smart eating are fast yet long term solutions as well. If you want to be lean, healthy and sexy and end the cycle of weight loss and gain you need a new plan. What we have been told for years now does not work. People are getting bigger and bigger every year. There IS a solution. This is just the beginning, but remember...
  • Short duration high intensity workouts are more effective for fat loss.
  • Don't worry about becoming muscle bound.
  • Smaller more frequent meals produce better results.
Stay focused and stay healthy! Learn more at
I am 53 years young and have tried many fitness and weight loss programs over the years, done extensive research... and have achieved dramatic results reducing body fat and getting fit. Learn more at the link below.
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Diet and Fitness Tips

Here are some diet and fitness tips that will help you to lose weight pretty fast. I'm not going to give you the "usual" boring tips that pretty much everyone already knows about. I won't insult you like that. So if you have 2 minutes to read this article, then you should find something in it that may ring a bell and help you lose weight quicker and easier.

Diet and Fitness Tips

1. To kick the soda habit, use Stevia waters

Ok, first off... Stevia is a NATURAL sugar substitute. It's not an unnatural man-made sugar substitute such as aspartame (which is bad for you). I'll tell you exactly how I was able to stop drinking Mountain Dews and lemonades within 3 days.
What I did was put 2 packets of Stevia in my 15-20 ounces of water. That sweetened it right up. After 3 days of this, I didn't even miss drinking Mountain Dew anymore. Thousands of extra calories simple eliminated! Oh, and don't go for diet sodas because they contain aspartame.

2. The simple act of walking up and down some stairs for 10 minutes non-stop

This is just about the simplest way to help your body lose fat through exercise. Most people have stairs in their home or the building that they live in. So walk up and down them. But THE KEY is to do this for 10 minutes NON-STOP. I don't care how often you walk up and down stairs as of right now. You need to make it a workout by doing it non-stop.

Without giving you information overload, I want you to try out these 2 diet and fitness tips for 10 days... tell me they don't help you to lose weight, I dare ya!
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan
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3 Samples of Basic Muscle and Fitness Training Tips

Strength training should be a part of everyone's fitness routine. Not everyone desires to spend hours in the gym gaining massive muscle growth. However, for most of us, a basic muscle and fitness plan can help us shed unwanted pounds and gain energy and stamina improving our quality of life.
Bodybuilder or homemaker, everyone wanting to start a new fitness plan or program needs to understand a few basics.

1. Strength Training

There is no need to 'pump iron' with endless repetitions. For those not used to any type of strength training, simple body exercises using their own body weight and a set of resistant bands may be enough. When using hand weights or weight machines, you want a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you to complete an exercise in good form 12-15 times. High repetitions may burn fat a bit faster initially but it also increases your chance of not maintaining proper form for safety and maximum benefit.

2. Burn Fat to lose weight, do not lose muscle!

Cardiovascular exercise does burn fat. It might come as a surprise you that you do have to spend hours running for miles at a time. Research shows intervals of fast then easy running burns up to eight times more calories and leaves your metabolism higher longer after a workout. You can set intervals up on a treadmill or pace yourself around the neighborhood by alternating running and walking at various intervals. Not only will you burn more calories but your endurance will improve quicker as well.
A higher metabolism rate means calories continue to burn even after you finish the workout.

3. Eat Clean!

Do not make the mistake of rewarding yourself for a workout by stopping at the fast-food drive in!
Junk food provides little nutritional value for fueling a workout. No muscle and fitness training can bring results unless combined with a healthy diet built around lean proteins, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and good polyunsaturated fats.
Optimal fitness happens when you find that balance between a muscle and fitness training plan that works for you and support your plan with a healthy diet of nutritious foods.
Consult your doctor before beginning a new routine. Ask him to recommend a team of experts to help you set up a diet plan as well as a sensible muscle training routine that is right for you.
Click Here Now - To get Bigger, Stronger, and More Ripped & Shredded than ever, using Primal Muscle's Cutting-Edge Training System - Sent to you by mail - Absolutely FREE!
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